Interested in information about the connection between mind and body ailments?
Learn about it from R. Goldrin and tap into your Soul!
for people,
• whose bodies show certain signs of illness or serious diseases and who want to understand the psychosomatic causes of their current illnesses, and who want to know how to become healthy (if the cause of the illness is psychosomatic) and happy again by taking care of their body and their Soul (the feeling part of the brain),
• who want a logical explanation of how stress, tension and specific bodily ailments (and diseases) manifest themselves on the physical plane, as the body's biological response to counter subconscious stress,
• who want to get to know an interesting person, an expert in his field - Soul therapist Roman Goldrin and his experience and methodology,
• who want to have an interesting, useful and fun time.
• to expand the awareness of meeting participants about the psychosomatic causes of body ailments that are relevant to them,
• to help people with ailments and illnesses feel better already during the event,
• helping people tap into their Soul Power.
• Information about the psycho-emotional connection between mental (Soul) and body problems.
• Information about the connection of health, energy, relationships with what is happening on the emotional, Soul level and how it relates to our childhood (if it is related), to the person's life, to his/her lifestyle, to his/her choice(s).
• Public analysis of the health problems of the participants (in the case of several individuals).
• A short practice of tapping into the Soul.
"This meeting is an opportunity to touch the method I apply, like a short "test drive", like a "test drive", after which the participants of the meeting feel better, their energy well-being improves, an intuitive direction of movement appears, i.e. the causes of ailments in the body are understood, there is clarity about what to do in order to reach a state of health, joy and hope.
During the meeting, I will be able to show the direction to take, and the participants will be able to personally try the first step and make sure that the method works and that it helps people feel better. By following this path, people can gradually solve health, relationship or self-realization problems.
- Roman Goldrin -
• will learn how mental state affects physical ailments,
• will learn what are the psychosomatic causes of physical ailments or diseases that are relevant to you,
• will be able to feel lighter, you will feel better, your mood and energy will improve, a clearer direction of movement towards a healthy and happy life will appear,
• will receive a short practice of tapping into your Soul.
• venue: online (ZOOM platform),
• seminar duration: up to 1 hour,
• seminar date & time: set up individually with registered participants,
• seminar language: Russian with simultaneous translation into English (2 separate language channels on ZOOM platform),
• group size: 1 - 8 participants.
N.B. Copying of the seminar by photo, video and audio is prohibited.
"The seminar was really very interesting and useful. The most memorable thing, I don't know what to call it, was the meditation we did with Roman, it was an impressive and effective way to find inner peace in ourselves."
"I really liked the seminar, I have never heard of Roman Goldrin before, but he left the impression of a person who is extremely warm and understands what he is talking about. I have done the meditation (practice) we performed many times, but this time I was more able to relax and "disconnect" from extraneous thoughts . All the information Mr. Goldrin provided was very interesting and thought provoking.”
"Meeting with Roman Goldrin "Body ailments. What does the Soul say about it?” really liked it! I didn't expect to get answers to my questions right away, I thought it would be a long search process, but it turns out that a specific ailment has a specific cause. I realized that my question is still open: in my case, I think there are more questions, so I would like to meet Roman Goldrin in person for an individual consultation. What else I liked was that during the meeting, when other participants talked about their health problems, I heard many useful things that were also related to me. A group meeting is a good idea because you forget about some of your problems when you worry about the main one. During the meeting, it was very interesting, and Roman read everything as if from a book and left a good, pleasant impression. I am very grateful to him!"
"Doubts to participate in the meeting with Roman Goldrin "Body ailments. What does the Soul say about it?” it wasn't - after receiving the trailer, I was interested, I registered. During the meeting, I received confirmations that I was on the right track. I also got answers on how to: 1) find the cause of the problem, 2) how to help myself, 3) knowing that I can turn to someone else when solving my problem. I am grateful that there was a possibility of translation into Lithuanian and that I could listen to Roman Goldrin. I recommend this meeting to people with health problems, because R. Goldrin can help understand the cause of the problem and show how to solve it."