Have everything but a sense of joy in life? Are you spinning in a vicious circle and struggling to achieve the results you want?
With R. Goldrin's help, ask your Soul what it really wants!
for people,
• whose bodies show certain signs of ailments or serious illness and who want to understand the psychosomatic causes of their illnesses and want to know how to become healthy (if the cause of the illness is psychosomatic) and happy again by taking care of their body and their Soul (the sensory part of the brain),
• who want a logical explanation of how stress, tension, and specific ailments (and diseases) of the body manifest on the physical plane as a biological response of the body in the fight against subconscious stress,
• who want to get acquainted with an interesting person, an expert in his field – Soul therapist Roman Goldrin and his experience and methodology,
• who want to spend time in an interesting, useful and joyful way and learn to communicate with their own Soul.
• to give participants the opportunity to ask Roman Goldrin directly about specific health conditions that bother them and to get Roman Goldrin’s answers from a psychosomatic perspective,
• to increase the participants’ understanding of the psychosomatic causes of their bodily ailments,
to help people touch the power of their Soul,
• to help people with ailments and illnesses to feel better already during the event,
• to teach one of the techniques of communication with the Soul.
• the participants of the meeting ask questions related to their physical ailments and diseases,
• Roman Goldrin answers participants’ questions about their bodily ailments and diseases, basing his answers on psychosomatic knowledge and his own practice,
• the theory of psychosomatics on a chosen topic that is relevant to majority of participants (e.g. back pain, etc.),
• communication with Soul in a meditative state: “A sincere conversation with your Soul”.
"Life for many people who live ignoring the needs of their Soul is full of suffering and for some of them – it’s hell. This is my many years of experience working with patients and listening to their complaints. By not living according to the needs of their Soul, people do not live, they do exist. The only way to live truly in the long run, to realize your potential, and at the same time to be healthy, happy, harmonious people, is to listen to the needs of your Soul, to hear the voice of the Soul, to talk to the Soul.
If you want to take the first step towards yourself, if you want to become yourself, if you want to become as healthy again as in childhood (if your childhood was great and healthy), then starting to communicate with your Soul will be the first step towards yourself.
I invite everyone to this meeting who wants to feel the energy again and the joy that a person feels in childhood, because the Soul is the only one who loves us and who stays with us until our last breath. The Soul has something to tell us. I invite you to the meeting with your Soul."
– Roman Goldrin –
you will:
• find out how mental status is related to physical illness,
• learn to make decisions by listening to your Soul,
• you will get extra energy resources.
• venue: online (ZOOM platform),
• duration: up to 1 hour,
• date and time: coordinated individually with the registered participant(s),
• seminar language: Russian (Roman Goldrin speaks only Russian) with translation into English.
• group size: 1 - 8 participants.
N.B. Copying of the seminar by photo, video and audio is prohibited.
“I really enjoyed the meeting with Roman Goldrin “Conversation with your Soul”! I didn’t expect to get answers to my questions right away, I thought it would be a long search process, but it turns out a particular ailment has its own specific cause. I realized that my question is still open: in my case many more questions arose, so I would still like to meet Roman Goldrin in person for an individual consultation. What I also liked is that during the meeting, when other participants talked about their health problems, I heard a lot of useful things for me that are related to me as well. A group meeting is a good idea because we tend to forget about some of our problems when we worrie about the major one. It was very interesting during the meeting: Roman read everything as if from a book and left a good, pleasant impression. Very grateful to him!”