Are you pursuing an ambitious goal, but you feel that you lack the strength to realize it and there are too many obstacles that rob you of your energy? Discover the hidden resources of your power and increase the speed of your movement towards the realization of the intended goal by at least 50%!
• entrepreneurs and managers who have a clear and very ambitious goal that they want to realize, but:
1. feel that they do not have enough strength (anymore) to realize that goal,
2. face many obstacles while trying to realize that goal, which takes away the energy.
• to help entrepreneurs and managers:
1. to clearly see what personal mental, emotional and behavioural patterns are blocking their personal strength for achieving their desired goals,
2. to show how one can recover one’s personal strength as a resource for the realization of one’s big goals, i.e., where to find it and how to “employ” it.
“When a person realizes that certain thoughts in his/her head are not his/her own, he/she has a chance (not a 100% guarantee!) to jump out of the pattern that prevents him/her from realizing his/her goals, which means that he/she gets closer to the real possibility of the management of pursued goals”
- Jurij Mikharev -
• A person who declares his/her goals, but does not achieve them, creates one and the same result, but does not see what result he/she keeps recreating. I am not saying it is bad. I am just saying that if there is a real intention and desire to control your reality, then it is time to open your eyes and see what the person is really doing and what he/she thinks he/she is doing. Often, confronting your own behaviour is the scariest confrontation, therefore, a person has certain thoughts on the matter, and then there is a real outcome that he/she does not want to face. It seems like a person fragments certain things and starts to justify them by saying to himself/herself or others that “It is like that, because... . And it is like this, because... . Such circumstances are to blame.”. These are mind games to justify and not change anything.
• When we push a person to see the reality that he/she creates, at the same time, we give him/her a key – the person gets a chance to direct his/her energy, which he/she was wasting, towards the goals he/she wants to realize.
“Logic is a powerful management tool. It is not difficult to determine how perfect your logic is – just look at the result. In areas where the results are far from satisfactory, we get an unequivocal signal that it is time to review the existing methods of problem-solving. The result is the only honest criterion for evaluating the correctness of thinking. When there is no result, the used logic is just a set of errors.”
- Jurij Mikharev -
What do we offer?
• The program reveals common illusions of human perception of reality and hidden thinking algorithms that block the achievement of results. This allows you to significantly reduce the time spent on achieving goals and also helps to eliminate inefficient methods for solving tasks.
“In the hope of success, we follow common sense, but the irony is that it often leads us astray distracting us from our goals. Conventional logic is not bad, but often it cannot help us get out of the circumstances that we find ourselves in, because it is what determines our presence in those circumstances.
This program is a kind of military training for a result-oriented person. It is designed for those, who are ready for serious work on their mental blind spots of perception, and who realize that they will have to face the resistance of their nature and, frankly, their prejudices of the past, which in many ways deprive us of the present and the future. It is intended for those, who realize that quality change requires shaking out all of the accumulated baggage, throwing away what does not work and keeping and using what works.
If you are ready to face the truth realizing that such meeting is not painless, but you realize that this very meeting will help you solve the problems that have been haunting you for a long time, then this training is for you.
When you stop wasting energy on delusions and focus on what actually works, you will inevitably take a serious step forward.
- Jurij Mikharev -
1. mental blocks and patterns,
2. emotional and volitional blocks and patterns,
3. behavioural blocks and patterns.
Conditionally, the process of recovering strength looks like this:
1. the client/seminar participant names the goal he/she wants to achieve,
2. layer of certain foreign – destructive – thoughts is removed,
3. a certain layer of the emotional behavioural pattern is removed, (certain emotional or biochemical experiences experienced in certain situations, which are restored subconsciously by themselves in the human body),
4. the layer of certain behavioural patterns is removed,
5. we reach the “point of pitilessness toward ourselves”.
1. development of new skills,
2. additional discussion.
1. Duration of the program: three 2.5 - 3 hour meetings,
2. Homework: developing new skills.
3. Additional 30 min support discussion.
• identification of individual behavioural programs that block the achievement of results,
• identification and transformation of the main external and internal scenarios that are based on destructive emotional and behavioural patterns,
• transition from reactive behaviour to conscious (resultative) behaviour,
• the experience of immersion in a resourceful state, which can be described as “I act consciously”,
• Development of skills that allow making effective decisions under external pressure,
• increase in efficiency and speed in achieving the set goals by at least 50%.