Do you want to get rid of the long-lasting distressing pain in your body?
Find out the psychosomatic causes of your ailments; try a methodology that can help your body become completely healthy!


• People who experience long-term body aches (and consequent restrictions on their freedom of movement) that cannot be eliminated or the cause of the bodily ailments determined by conventional medical means.
• People whose illnesses are severe and appear as if for no apparent reason and cannot be cured with conservative treatments.
• People who need help making important life decisions.


45 min session is suitable for those 1) whose problem is "fresh", 2) or if people want to know the psychosomatic causes of their physical ailments or illnesses and who do not need a longer therapeutic procedure for the Soul, 3) a short consultation is also suitable for those who have previously participated in Soul therapy and they need only a small easy recovery or a check of the balance of body, Soul, and consciousness.

1.5 hr session is suitable for those who want to know the psychosomatic causes of ailments or illnesses in their body and who want a longer therapeutic procedure for the Soul, i.e. those who want R. Goldrin to work with them more, help to experience what the Soul is, to clearly understand how proper treatment of their Soul helps to feel better, helps to heal.

The 4-hour VIP session is for those who want and can afford to have an individual workshop and therapy. This session allows you to solve difficult and outdated problems in a short time. It takes intrinsic motivation, a willingness to try and courage.


Problems that Roman Goldrin helps to solve during the sessions:

• Joints and spine diseases;
• muscle aches;
• headache;
• excess weight;
• hormonal disorders;
• reproductive system disorders;
• infertility;
• depression;
• lack of joy in life;
• internal barriers to make concrete decisions;
• misunderstanding of one's purpose, mission and path;
• fear of death, loss and change.

In all of these topics, people get positive results after R. Goldrin’s sessions.


There is no point in naming medical diagnoses because they are very numerous and they do not usually reflect the true state of the human being. My conclusion is that the cause of health problems is common to all. Since I do not deal with symptoms, but work on the level of cause, the consequence of my work with a person is the disappearance of various health problems.
- Roman Goldrin -

Method of "Soul therapy" for the treatment of body aches and pains in the body

• The soul is the sensory part of the brain; it "speaks" to a person through his body. These phrases are familiar to everyone: "to keep body and soul together", “bare one’s soul”. These are states where a person physically feels lightness in his body, an influx of forces, a smile on his face; he even straightens his spine and becomes taller!
• Unfortunately, the Souls of many people are more or less traumatized. Only man himself can heal his Soul, i.e. without his good will it is practically impossible! Pain and ailments in the body are no longer the voice of the body, but a more desperate cry for help from the body and an invitation to the owner of the body to act and initiate change in his life. However, if a person is not accustomed to treating pain in the body as a phenomenon, he is not able to pay attention to the signals of the body.
• In the beginning, a person needs to be helped to re-establish contact with himself, with his body. When it succeeds, everything else goes easy!

Examples of R. Goldrin's work with patients

The essential results are a smile on the face, lightness in the body, clarity in the mind, abundance of energy, and the desire to live a full life! There were a lot of striking examples!

For example:
• One man had back pain for several years, which he was failing to treat. When we went back to the moment when the problem appeared, we found out where his fault was, and when he sincerely felt the situation and changed his attitude about it, his back pain almost immediately subsided. Man could not believe that our thoughts and emotions could affect our physical body so quickly.
• A similar case occurred with a woman who was experiencing severe headaches. When she realized she had deviated from her true path, asked herself for forgiveness, and was determined to begin the change in her life, the pain was gone!
• By the way, today there was a great example of working with radiculitis and severe pain in the lumbar region. The pain started half a year ago. When we analyzed what was happening in a person's life at a time when we were able to highlight major traumatic events, when we considered an alternative approach to the situation and alternative behavior at that time, and when we asked our own body for forgiveness, the pain disappeared. The side effect of this result is joy on the face, an appetite (until then, the client spent several weeks forcing himself to eat because he did not want to eat at all), dreams and plans for the future.

How do we work with the patients?

• The work begins with the person ordering the consultation, his specific desire and purpose. At this stage, it is very important to identify what the goal is and what the means are to achieve this specific goal.
• Then, together with the patient, we perform an analytical analysis of time, conditions, possible causes, and provocative factors. We agree on true values.
• We perform body diagnostics with the help of several methods. We develop the practice of "communicating" with the body by using certain elements of testing.
• Once we are convinced of the adequacy of the body's responses, we move on to the causes of pain or damage to the patient's body and to the ways of self-recovery.
• The effectiveness of the results obtained is verified.
• If necessary, "homework" is assigned.

The uniqueness of the method of "Soul therapy"

• The uniqueness of this method is its efficiency, speed and simplicity.
• The method combines modern knowledge of human biomechanics, physiology and psychology. It is an accurate system that works according to certain rules. If we take the control of a modern car as an analogy, given the full complexity of the car as a mechanism, we know that after a short training, it becomes easy enough to drive it. Car faults are also easy to spot, as they are indicated by a red sensor.
• The same can be said for the human body. In automotive terms, my method teaches to notice “fault signals” and perform “technical inspections” in a timely manner.

How are R. Goldrin’s method and his approach to treatment different from traditional medicine?

• Goldrin’s approach differs from classical medicine in the way he analyzes the human body, because he analyzes it as a whole, as a self-regulating system that seeks to preserve its original internal balance.
• According to the method, the main cause of pain or illness in the body is the reaction of the nervous system to chronic or increased stress, which, as a rule, is caused by the logical part of the mind.
• People are educated in a way that they do not understand or are afraid of the reactions of their body and therefore do not trust themselves.
• After establishing contact with one's body at the beginning of the dialogue, the person very quickly feels a difference in the senses of the body, freedom of movement and a change in mood. He has the choice to follow the "voice" of the body, or to follow old habits and rules.
• If he chooses health and harmony, changes on a chemical and physical level begin to take place quickly. Sometimes in an instant. For many people, this is a miracle.

How are R. Goldrin’s method and his approach to treatment different from other non-traditional medicine physicians?

• First of all, Goldrin’s approach differs from other non-traditional medicine physicians in the way that R. Goldrin does not heal, but shows the principles of working with the human body, helps organizing communication with your Soul (the sensory part of the brain) and helps to see how the state changes when making a choice that suits a particular person in a specific situation!
• Simply put, Goldrin helps activating a person's internal resources for self-medication when the person consciously wants it!


Short consultation


up to 45 min.


It's a short consultation for:
• people who experience long-term body aches (and consequent restrictions on their freedom of movement) that cannot be eliminated or the cause of the bodily ailments determined by conventional medical means.
• people whose illnesses are severe and appear as if for no apparent reason and cannot be cured with conservative treatments.
• people who need help making important life decisions.


• 45 min session is suitable for those 1) whose problem is "fresh", 2) or if people want to know the psychosomatic causes of their body ailments or illnesses and who do not need a longer therapeutic procedure for the Soul, 3) a short consultation is also suitable for those who have previously participated in Soul therapy and they need only a small easy recovery or a check of the balance of body, Soul, and consciousness.


• Identification of the psychosomatic causes of body ailments and / or diseases (translation of body signals into clear language of consciousness);
• Short practice of touching your Soul and how it helps healing;
• Recommendations for independent activities.


• You will learn the psychosomatic causes of ailments or diseases in your body.
• You will know what to do to get your body healing on its own.
• You will touch the power of your Soul and feel relief.
• You will think about your life priorities, your lifestyle and choices.


• Location: ZOOM platform (on-line).
• Date and time of the consultation: the consultation takes place at the appropriate time for the client and the psychosomatologist (agreed by the organizer).
• Consultation duration: up to 45 minutes.
• Language: the psychosomatics specialist speaks Russian. The consultation is translated into English simultaneously (2 separate language channels on ZOOM).
• Clothing: comfortable.

Regular consultation


up to 1 hour 30 min.


It's a regular consultation for:
• people who experience long-term body aches (and consequent restrictions on their freedom of movement) that cannot be eliminated or the cause of the bodily ailments determined by conventional medical means.
• people whose illnesses are severe and appear as if for no apparent reason and cannot be cured with conservative treatments.
• people who need help making important life decisions.


• 1.5 hr session is suitable for those who want to know the psychosomatic causes of ailments or illnesses in their body and who want a longer therapeutic procedure for the Soul, i.e. those who want R. Goldrin to work with them more, help to experience what the Soul is, to clearly understand how proper treatment of their Soul helps feeling better, helps to heal.


• Identification of the psychosomatic causes of body ailments and / or diseases (translation of body signals into clear language of consciousness);
• Longer practice of touching your Soul and how it helps healing;
• Recommendations for independent activities.


• You will learn the psychosomatic causes of ailments or diseases in your body.
• You will know what to do to get your body healing on its own.
• You will touch the power of your Soul and feel relief.
• You will experience longer Soul Therapy.
• You will think about your life priorities, your lifestyle and choices.


• Location: ZOOM platform (on-line).
• Date and time of the consultation: the consultation takes place at the appropriate time for the client and the psychosomatologist (agreed by the organizer).
• Consultation duration: up to 1 hour 30 minutes.
• Language: the psychosomatics specialist speaks Russian. The consultation is translated into English simultaneously (2 separate language channels on ZOOM).
• Clothing: comfortable.

VIP session


up to 4 hours


It's a VIP session for:
• people who experience long-term body aches (and consequent restrictions on their freedom of movement) that cannot be eliminated or the cause of the bodily ailments determined by conventional medical means.
• people whose illnesses are severe and appear as if for no apparent reason and cannot be cured with conservative treatments.
• people who need help making important life decisions.


• The 4-hour VIP session is for those who want and can afford to have an individual workshop and therapy. This session allows you to solve difficult and outdated problems in a short time. It takes intrinsic motivation, a willingness to try and courage.


• Identification of the psychosomatic causes of body ailments and / or diseases (translation of body signals into clear language of consciousness);
• Longer practice of touching your Soul and how it helps healing;
• Recommendations for independent activities;
• Detailed diagnostics and analysis of the energy and physical condition of the body and the search for causes and solutions;
• Deep work with the body on various levels: physical, emotional, energetic;
• Experiences of various sensations during deep relaxation and states of freedom and spontaneous movements’
• Opportunity to experience states of absolute and unconditional love! Connecting to your deep source;
• Opportunity to make changes in your life, to feel states of freedom, lightness and happiness;
• Recommendations for individual work with oneself and recording of experienced states.


• You will learn the psychosomatic causes of ailments or diseases in your body.
• You will know what to do to get your body healing on its own.
• You will experience long Soul Therapy.
• You will think about your life priorities, your lifestyle and choices.
• You will move to a qualitatively new level of life and decision-making.


• Location: ZOOM platform (on-line).
• Date and time of the consultation: the consultation takes place at the appropriate time for the client and the psychosomatologist (agreed by the organizer).
• Consultation duration: up to 4 hours.
• Language: the psychosomatics specialist speaks Russian. The consultation is translated into English simultaneously (2 separate language channels on ZOOM).
• Clothing: comfortable.


„During my interactions with Viva persona Giedrius, he had once mentioned Roman Goldrin and his value in the field of health, so there was little doubt about participating in an individual consultation, as time has come for me to contact him. During the online consultation, Roman confirmed a few things I felt intuitively, but was reluctant to fully believe. One of them is that only life lived from the bottom of heart can be happy. It was also unbelievable that Goldrin could say many things about me when he first saw me on a computer screen, which even I did not dare to admit to myself. The consultation gave me the opportunity to think very seriously about how I want to continue living and how I should behave. After this consultation, I already recommend it to others and my husband has already taken the opportunity to consult with Roman Goldrin. It is an opportunity for true self-knowledge. Nothing in life happens without a reason!”

“Roman Goldrin, given the psychosomatic causes of my health symptoms, gave me the best advice – to do what I want at least three hours a week. It worked very well. A number of problems were solved as if on their own. I will continue to do so. The knee joints are not so often swollen anymore, but it depends on both nutrition and physical activity.
Roman Goldrin's consultation marked the beginning of a fundamental change. Thinking, responsibility for one's thoughts, feelings and actions are changing, self-knowledge and the universe are expanding, and self-confidence is growing. There is a growing realization that things are changing and that every thought, emotion, word spoken, action performed shapes a different future. It became very interesting to live. I meet every new day as a miracle, as a new opportunity to get to know myself even more, a new opportunity to see beauty, a new opportunity to become better for myself and my loved ones. I really try to live consciously every moment, to inhale and exhale love and happiness...”

“Before deciding whether or not to order Roman Goldrin's consultation, I had doubts about the cost of the consultation and the fact that the consultation took place on a working day, but I still took the opportunity. During the consultation, I started believing that I could change my own condition, and I quickly felt the result. It also helped that when I was feeling worse for a while after the consultation, Roman Goldrin responded to my message and I again had guidelines for further "pulling myself out of the swamp". The most memorable part of the consultation was the impact of self-esteem and the belief that it helps. Can I recommend this consultation to others? People who are in the pit of health or life are usually also in the financial pit, so let the price of the consultation be up to everyone to decide if they are willing and able to pay for R. Goldrin's consultation, but I would still like to receive information about Roman's consultations.”

“I saw an interview with Roman Goldrin on TV3’s World According to the Women, where Roman talked about how women can lose weight, and I was immediately interested. There is a need for more publicity for such people so that everyone would know not only about doctors or psychologists but also about soul doctors. During the consultation, I received some answers to questions in my life; I looked at some situations from a different angle. I really liked R. Goldrin's communication, understanding during the conversation. I use the recommended “Moment of the Day” technique, when I stop myself and stay quiet with my thoughts. I’m also trying to master other recommended techniques. I would recommend consultations to many, but these people must be willing to speak and hear what is said to them. Such consultations are not for anyone, although I would recommend it to everyone, especially vampires walking among us. I ask more people like Roman Goldrin to participate more in TV shows so that not only women but also other people can hear and learn about them.”

“Roman Goldrin is like a jeweler who discovers the deeply hidden causes of human ailments, illnesses, bad moods, lack of energy, depression and masterfully shows a person the way to inner balance. World-class specialist!”

“I’m a successful person, but lately I’m asking myself whether what I want is really what I need in life. When Viva persona offered an individual session, Soul Therapy, with Roman Goldrin to address this issue, it was very important to me that the meeting actually took place with a highly qualified professional. It was a fundamental doubt that was stopping me from a possible meeting. However, when I met Roman Goldrin I discovered a great deal. First of all, the realization that the goals I set must be in harmony with my inner, the desires of the Soul. Roman Goldrin used a very powerful technique to accomplish this, which allowed me to identify that not everything I thought I wanted was really necessary. At the beginning of the session, it was difficult to hear my body, i.e. what he tells me, what I really want. But the transformation actually took place. I recommend Roman Goldrin's work to anyone who succeeds in business. It will help you answer the question of what you really need so you don't waste time and health. Everything else will be very simple.”

“If someone were to ask me how I feel after meeting Roman Goldrin, I would answer unequivocally – BETTER… Of course, the meeting itself is not easy because it’s not so simple to look inside and feel the real you, what's happening. First of all, this requires desire, as well as effort and some understanding of what is going on. With the help of Roman, I learn to listen to myself and thus find the answers to my questions… and it becomes easier. I get rid of the feeling of embarrassment and inferiority. I gain courage and self-confidence. I smile and enjoy life. Thanks to Roman…”

"During the meeting with Roman Goldrin, I touched the topics that inspired my desire to improve and to change!"

"In our extremely rushing world a knowledge about personality is very helpful when it comes to decision making when it’s difficult to find pragmatic arguments. “Viva persona” recommended Roman Goldrin as a lecturer and during the consultation he provided an opportunity for me to better understand and evaluate the relationship between human mind and body."

"I study psychology, esotericism, astrology and theoretically I know what it takes to be harmonious and healthy. But in practice in this dynamic, competitive and tense world I’m constantly stumbling and dissatisfied. Therefore, such Roman Goldrin's lectures that help to stop, to listen, to think and to calm down are very necessary!"

"Before I met Roman Goldrin, I didn’t know anything, nor what a person he was, nor what practices he used, nor how these meetings were going. I felt desperate, because in my personal relationship and in my family I was in a "blind spot". I had two choices - to leave my relationship or to wait until everything is fine. However, this situation was very tiring, raised tension and I felt exhausted emotionally. Before the meeting I was terribly worrying and after the meeting I was simply shocked. After leaving, I had to stand for a few minutes to take a break. There were also several stops on my way home. When I got up, I knew exactly what to do. Very suddenly (on the same day) I made decisions about my future life. From this, both drastic decision and step (from my point of view), there was not one day to spare. I feel great gratitude to Roman for helping me to open up a completely different perception and understanding of life. It's been nine months since our first meeting. During this time, my life has stabilized, the changes that have occurred to me, did not go unnoticed by colleagues and relatives. I myself feel and others see my joy of life, my inner harmony that is reflected on the outside."

„When I decided to book Romano Goldrin's VIP session, there was no doubt about its quality and necessity, as I was already participating in both the general course and the individual consultation, this is my third meeting with R. Goldrin. Roman, as a specialist, is valuable to me for showing me a method that allows me to get subconscious answers that are not given by my mind but by my body to life and health issues that are important to me. Since this is not the first experience of receiving the value provided by R.Goldrin, I’m convinced that each answer I get saves me 3-5 years of my life which I would spend to find that answer myself. This VIP session is definitely not suitable for weak people who are skeptical of such methods; I would recommend starting with an individual consultation. However, if you are a conscious person who tends to try something new, it is a great, although expensive at first glance, tool until you realize its value. However, this is an investment that has paid off for me many times over. I recommend the VIP session to people with health issues and people with a dilemma about life choices. I myself plan to meet with Goldrin, a master in his area, again in 4-5 years, if I see that there are unresolved issues!“

Cervical Cancer

Long term postpartum depression

Non functioning kidneys, dialysis, numbness of legs

Female overweight. Where's the hidden benefit?

The vision for a woman suddenly deteriorated and the abdomen started to grow. Why?

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    Giedrius Svetkauskas
    Do you have any questions? Ask Giedrius!