Nelli Orlovskaya
Diversion analyst
- Manager of experimental laboratory in Kazachstan (in an area of architectural design) (responsibility: home building technology development);
- Since 1978 Vice-Chairwoman of the Executive Committee in BAM (Baikal Amur Magistrale); In addition – a work of psychologist in creation of influencing techniques for employees for fast organizational tasks implementation;
- Since 1991 personal business (3 years);
- Since 1993 joint consulting business with an author of phenotypology Mark Lucin (consulting of business entities and political parties). An experience of a diversional analyst and a manager in the field.
- TRIZ expert (a problem solving methodology).
- N.Vachterova – Orlovskaya is leading workshops on topics “Diversional Functional Analysis”, “Personnel Security” and a workshop with Mark Lucin “Without mask: advantage in selling”, where she is teaching methods of customer influencing.
- Specifics in consulting business with Mark Lucin: during the business auditing process Nelli helps to solve organizational, marketing, technical or personnel related tasks (for instance: how to stop the theft in a company, how to stop inner conflicts among departmets, how to stop intrigues, how to fire a person in a nice way from a job, etc. Nelli does a work that requires conctant innovative solutions).
- During personnel auditing with an author of phenotypology Mark Lucin, the function of Nelli Vachterova – Orlovskaya is a job interviewing (interrogation in business) – an extraction of information from people in a nice an wise manner and without any harm (Mark Lucins function during this process is a construction of a persons phenotypological portrait and provocative verbal analysis in order to “help” to open up for a true character of a person).