Do you intend on staying healthy, happy, being of sound mind, in the right place at the right time? Join an online practice “I Serve My Soul” with the psychosomatics specialist, Soul therapist Roman Goldrin!
Your life is "safe", "reliable", "stable", i.e. boring, and there is no joy for the Soul? Experience an energetic orgasm, beautify the state of the Soul's desire to live and enjoy!
Do you live in your mind, which says that everything in your life is very good, but you don't feel the taste of life anymore? Meet your Soul, experience new emotions and feelings, experience the feeling of deep joy in life, feel the strength and energy of your Soul and use it for self-realization at a qualitatively new level!
Have everything but a sense of joy in life? Are you spinning in a vicious circle and struggling to achieve the results you want? With R. Goldrin's help, ask your Soul what it really wants!
Does your body show certain signs of health ailments (disorders)? You need to make a responsible decision in life, but don’t know which decision is right? Are you afraid of the unknown? Are you afraid to live boldly and breathe full chest? Learn to serve your Soul and become healthy, happy and alive!
Do you want to get rid of the long-lasting distressing pain in your body? Find out the psychosomatic causes of your ailments; try a methodology that can help your body become completely healthy!
Are you looking for an inner peace-activating, deep lecture, suitable for a team or client event, conference or private party? Book a happiness therapy experience!