In order for profits to grow, does your business lack a competitive edge?
Learn how to develop innovative, patentable, profitable, competitive and creative products, services and bring them to market effectively!


• Owners and managers of companies, company management group,
• Directors of sales, marketing, public relations, who participate in strategy creation.


• Aim of this course and the lecturer is to teach participant to artificially “turn on” the talented elite thinking and to create extremely competitive solutions in developing any sort of activity. After this seminar you will be able to manage your thinking better and to act courageously and unconventionally.


• We reveal our thinking skills.
• What problem solving means do we have?
• First rule of the professional problem-solver – our reach for the goal, not the means.
• Second rule of the professional problem-solver – technology of powerful thinking is ability to take the problem to the answer and get the specific data.
• Rule of the presentation of the contradiction: moving from the organized contradiction to the physical one.
• Author technology by Mark Lucin: “Framing” (the main tool in solving difficult situations).
• We begin to solve the “unsolvable” situations successfully.
• His majesty “MATCHEM” or what the world is made of.
• We crack all future secret plans of the big companies.
• We learn to create new patent and creative products in any sphere.
• Homework – to create a product that can be produced without mechanisms and equipment. In addition, the product has to be patentable, profitable and competitive.

• Homework review.
• Short review of the material learned.
• Technology of abstract modeling.
• Social tasks (understanding social task, reasons for social problems insolubility and abstract modeling).
• First rule when solving social tasks: “If we have to do anything, even if it’s insignificant…”
• Second rule when solving social tasks: “If you need “it”, we have to do this…” (6 rules in total).
• The most populat reasons for unrest and possibilities of using them to your advantage.
• Rule of the system development: “S”. The best time and place to invest money into advertisement and business.
• The main points of price and quality (what is useful to produce and sell, what is useful to buy).
• Features of uncreasing the controllability and multifunctionability when stimulating sales.
• Creation of the resultative advertisement.

• Truth about the public relations
• First, second, third stages in the PR – the main mistakes.
• Provocative technology – “sweet defect”.
• PR, advertisement and MATCHEM effect on channels.
• Task “Dazzle” or “Vampire” – a guaranteed technology for psychological impact according to rules of the Führer.
• We learn how to create tasks for the creators of advertisement the right way and how to control their usefulness.
• Teaching – we create a strong, cost-effective and well operating advertisement in just few minutes.
• Understanding the stereotypes and rules how to use them.
• We learn how to work with stereotypes.
• Using the reflex.
• Turning the love reflex on (for a person, object, event)
• Dog on a lead – how to fall in love with your boss.
• Repetition.


Seminar 'Strong Thinking Technology' is a basic course. There is an additional course – "Strong Thinking for Advanced" (duration – 2 days). The course "Strong Thinking for Advanced" is designed for the development of practical skills.


The third millennium opens ways to era of the intellectual reign and, as usual, there’s only one choice: eat or be eaten. If there was a time when a primitive human power could win, now the decisive element is exceptionally fast and smart problem solving. In today’s world the essence of success is not only the right decision making, the speed is also important. It is vital to take the right decision as fast as possible together with the most smart and efficient variations of solution. There’s no other way!
Innovation is one of the most important guarantees of modern business growth. After this seminar you will know what instruments to use to make process of search for novelty and uniqueness easier and more effective. You personally will be able to generate new, strong ideas and solutions and share acquired knowledge and insights with bright and creative team members. These skills will help you to see tendencies, development trends of your business and to choose the best strategy and tactics.
During the seminar you will be presented with many practical tasks and puzzles that will intensely “exercise” your thinking and help adrift from the everyday and unoriginal thinking stereotypes. For example, after the seminar you will discover at least few solutions how to find a needle in the stack of hay quickly and effectively.
It’s a technology that helps you to reinforce position of your business.
- Mark Lutsin -


• You will understand mistakes and results of standard and desultory thinking.
• You will learn to operatively create new competitive solutions.
• You will learn to divide large scale situations into smaller tasks.
• You will know how to set executable and supposedly impossible tasks for your subordinates and opponents by using legal technologies.


• venue: hotel "Radisson BLU Lietuva", Konstitucijos av. 20, Vilnius, Lithuania + Online (ZOOM platform),
• duration: 3 days,
• seminar time: 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (time in Vilnius, Lithuania),
• seminar language: Russian with simultaneous translation into English

N.B. Copying of the seminar by photo, video and audio is prohibited.


"The technology of powerful thinking - is a way to develop human thinking ability in the shortest possible time which is especially useful in business. The essence of technology - is the goal, not the tools for achieving it. You become different after the seminar - exact, innovative and fast decision maker."

"This seminar impressed and branded way more than any other similar seminar. Mainly, perhaps, because of the lecturer and workshop methodology, as well as materials and the way it's presented.He is indeed very original and therefore may not be acceptable to everybody; however this is exactly what makes the lecturer so unique. And, of course, the technologies teacher demonstrated are very simple and easily adaptable in daily life. I must admit that I often remember one or another method, demonstrated by Mr. Lutsin, when dealing with certain issues."

“The seminar of Mark Lutsin's "Technology of Powerful Thinking" was a great success. It helped me to to solve many from the first point of view unsolvable situations, because of the new and different way of thinking was learned. Sistematic approach and concentration on the goal, instead of means to reach it, allows you to broaden your mind for the new and fast solution, which is essential in modern business life. I would recomend this seminar to anyone who set ambitious goals in business and personal life development.
I consider VIVA PERSONA as reliable partner. They always deliver their promises. This seminar was just one more step forward.”

"Seminar "Technology of Powerful Thinking" gave me a chance to look at the problem-solving from a different perspective, to disasociate from the stereotypical way of thinking. Phrase "And that's another question" helps not to get stuck and avoid self-sabotage when solving various questions at work and in personal life. I think that it's a valuable seminar for managers, who seek set goals in business development and increasing potential of their business."

“Olympic motto “It’s important to participate, not to win” does not apply in business. Lecturer in this seminar practically, simply and clearly presented the main principles how to concentrate on the goal and achieve desired results with help of systematic thinking not going to deep into the process and details.”

“Anybody can think or act. However, only those who can find strength to dissociate from the past – however good it was - and use unconventional thinking technologies can think unconventionally, see a possibility in every problem, find a way out of every situation and thus create your future the way you want to. And that exactly what is taughtin seminar “Technology of Powerful Thinking”.

“Mark, thank you for the ideas and knowledge. I liked the training process itself and the value I got from it. I took part in this seminar only to reinforce and expand skills of that thinking strategy that Mark presents as “Powerful thinking”. I first got introduced to it during the presentation of this topic. Further practice and various shading are worth participation in this seminar. I think this course is strong and useful and the lecturer is professional.”

"If we don't want to spend the most beautiful days of our lives in an uninhabited island just like the Robinsons did, we have to think how to save ourselves. And we have to think systematically, deeply, powerfully. Our focus is not the means, but the goal... Everything is a subject of improvement and we have hundreds of possibilities every day that we don't take, because we do not know how to do that, we don't have the right knowledge. Mark gives us tools to think powerfully and we can choose whether we want to eat with the knife and fork or to stick to our usual (and stereotypical) ways and eat with our fingers".

“Strong Thinking technology” - an excellent tool for business and life situations. After first day of the seminar I clearly recognised the value of this course - effective resultative thinking that’s not taught anywhere. Mark clearly transmits information during a seminar through his personal experiences and the home works he gave us. It was impressive, how Mark took some case studies of other professionals and the problems they faced and couldn’t solve them for years and M.Lutsin solved them it in a day or in couple minutes simply by using effective strong thinking algorithms. This technology is really worth of learning and practicing while it becomes an unconscious habit. I recommend it!"

What is and for whom is dedicated "Strong Thinking Technology"?

Profitable innovative products creation

How to properly create advertising and how to check the work of advertising agency?

Strong thinking technology for civil servants. How would that benefit a country?

How can "Strong Thinking Technology" be useful to civil servants who help to develop startups?

Why the club of "Strong thinking technology" is named "White Crow"?

    Event Detail

    October 14, 2024 9:30 am
    October 16, 2024 6:00 pm
    Totorių str. 23, Vilnius, Lithuania


    Giedrius Svetkauskas
    Do you have any questions? Ask Giedrius!