Health & Soul Therapy


Soul therapy is 1) a synthesis of practical methods of psychosomatics and various areas of psychology, which are based on long-term research and have proven their effectiveness through practical application on different people, 2) more than 30 years of Roman Goldrin's experience working with people and 3) his unique personal properties of extrasensory feeling - all of this is designed to restore energy, health and emotional states of a person.

Soul (according to R. Goldrin, Soul is the sensing part of the brain) therapy identifies the psychosomatic causes of ailments and diseases, and following R. Goldrin's advice on how to deal with oneself so that the symptoms of the disease are gone, a person can become completely healthy (if (s)he really wants it), and ultimately enjoy life, experience moments of happiness while being in his (hers) own body.

According to R. Goldrin, “The body of a healthy Soul is healthy.”



Roman Goldrin, with the help of his father, the honoured teacher of Estonia and athletics coach Alexander Goldrin, began to study human anatomy and physiology as a child, got acquainted with acupuncture, mastered the program of classical sports massage and, while still at school, already in the 8th grade, using massage techniques, started providing help to athletes coached by his father and his friends who were often injured.

Teacher methodologist, kinesitherapist, thanatotherapist, instructor in neotantra and states of expansion of consciousness (through breathing and bodily techniques), author of several techniques, practicing psychosomaticist, who created the method of Soul therapy, which is a synthesis of practical methods of psychosomatics and various areas of psychology, which are based on long-term research and have proven their effectiveness through practical application on different people, more than 30 years of experience with people, unique personal properties of extrasensory feeling designed to restore energy, health and emotional states of a person.

According to R. Goldrin, “The body of a healthy Soul is healthy.”

When working with patients and seminar participants, R. Goldrin uses the following methods:
• Methods of breathing and restoring internal balance;
• Osteopathic methods;
• Methods of restoration of energy centres and potentials;
• Massage and soft manual therapy techniques; massage and techniques for stopping spasms of internal organs; methods for removing functional blocks from the vertebrae of the spine;
• Selection of motivational information;
• Techniques for analysing fears, cause-effect and revision of black scenarios;
• Teaches the methods of self-diagnosis, self-suggestion, relaxation, balance, selects the necessary information;
• If necessary, introduces the methods of transpersonal psychology, holistic medicine, holotropic breathing, relaxation breathing, dynamic meditation and meditation of the transition, thanatotherapy, neotantra, states of expansion of consciousness and many other methods.


Since 1997, Roman Goldrin has helped more than 2500 people through seminars and consultations and constantly feels an inner calling to help other people in changing their lives, becoming healthy and happy.

From 2006 to 2020 in Lithuania, at the invitation of “Viva persona”, has conducted more than 40 seminars on topics such as “Live 100%”, “How to Make Your Children Happy”, “Anatomy of Balance”, “Breathing with the Heart”, “Conversation with Your Soul”, “Serving Your Soul”.

Since 2020, after switching to the online format, Roman Goldrin has conducted more than 30 webinars organized by “Viva persona” on topics such as Serving Your Soul”, “Conversation With Your Soul”, “A Man Cannot Die: The Practice of Liberation from the Fear of Death”, “I Serve My Soul”, “Physical Ailments. What Does the Soul Say about This?"


My individual consultations and seminars are visited by wonderful, interesting, successful and talented people!

• Their main problem – long-lasting tormenting body pain (and the result of it is a restriction of freedom of movement) and the occurrence of body ailments that can’t be eliminated or determined by the usual medical methods.
• The second big problem group – people, whose illness is severe and have appeared as if there were no apparent reasons for it and is unsuccessful in overcoming it with conservative treatment methods.
• Third group – who are in need of help in making important life decisions.

There is no point in naming medical diagnoses because they are very numerous and they do not usually reflect the true state of the human being. My conclusion is that the cause of health problems is common to all. Since I do not deal with symptoms, but work on the level of cause, the consequence of my work with a person is the disappearance of various health problems.
– Roman Goldrin -

What problems R.Goldrin helps to solve for people during his sessions?

• Joint and spinal cord diseases,
• muscle aches,
• headache,
• excess weight,
• hormonal disorders,
• reproductive system disorders,
• infertility,
• depression,
• the lack of life joy,
• internal barriers to making specific decisions,
• misunderstanding of own Destination, Mission and Path,
• the fear of death, loss of change.

After my sessions in all these topics people get positive results.

Examples of Roman Goldrin work with patients

The essential results are the smile on the face, the ease in the body, the clarity in a mind, the energy abundance and the desire to live a full life! There were a lot of memorable cases of happy patients!

• For several years one man has suffered a backache which he had failed to heal. When we came back to the moment of the problem occurrence and when we found where his mistake was, and when he genuinely questioned that situation and when he looked at the incident and changed his attitude – almost immediately he was relieved of his back pain. A patient still couldn’t believe for some time that his thoughts and emotions could act so fast on his physical body.
• A similar case was with a woman who had severe headaches. When she realized that she had departed from her true path, when she asked forgiveness and firmly decided to start changes in her life, the pain was gone!
• By the way, today I had a patient as an excellent example of working with radicals and severe pain in the waist. Patient started to feel pain half a year ago. When we analyzed what was happening in that persons life precisely in the period and when we were able to highlight the main traumatic events and when we considered alternatives to the situation and alternative behavior at that moment, and when we asked for forgiveness of his own body, the pain was gone and there was a feeling of lightness and warmth throughout the body. The side effect of this result was the joy in the face, the appetite appeared (by that time the client forced himself to self-feed for several weeks because he was not eager to eat) as his dreams and plans for the future.

How unique is Roman Goldrin's method?

The uniqueness of the method “Touch Soul Therapy” is its efficiency, speed and simplicity. The method combines the knowledge of modern human biomechanics, physiology and psychology. It is an accurate system that works in accordance with certain rules. If we take the management of a modern car like an analogy, with the full complexity of the car as a mechanism, we know that after a brief training it becomes easy enough to manage it. Vehicle failure is also quite straightforward to notice as it is signaled by a red sensor. The same could be said about the human body. As in a case with a car analogy, my method teaches you to notice “fault signals” and perform a “technical inspection” in time.

How the work with patients is done?

Work begins with a patient’s order, his particular desire and purpose naming. At this stage it is very important to identify what is the purpose, and what are the means for achieving a specific goal. Then together with a patient we carry out an analytical analysis of the time, conditions, possible causes and provocative factors. We agree on real values. Then by the use of special methods we perform body diagnostics. We develop “communication with the body” practice by using certain test elements for this purpose. When we are satisfied with the adequacy of body responses, we go to the causes of pain or damage in the patient’s body and to self-recovery methods. The effectiveness of the results obtained is checked. If necessary a patient has to do some “homework”.

What is the difference of R. Goldrin method and his approach to body ailments treatment from traditional medicine?

Unlike classical medicine, my method analyzes the human body as a whole and as a self-regulating system aimed at preserving the primary internal balance. The primary cause of body aches or illnesses in this method is the response of the nervous system to chronic or increased stress, which is usually caused by a logical part of the mind. People are educated in such a way, that they do not understand or are afraid of their own body reactions and because of it they do not trust themselves. At the beginning of the dialogue when the contact with own body is established, a person very quickly perceives the difference in body sensations, freedom of movement and mood change. The person has a choice now – to follow the body’s “voice” or to behave according old habits and rules. If choices are made towards health and harmony – changes on a chemical and physical level begin very quickly. Sometimes instantly! Many people perceive it as a miracle.

What is the difference of R. Goldrin method and his approach to body ailments treatment from other non-traditional medical doctors?

I distinguish myself from other non-traditional medical doctors primarily by the fact that I do not cure, but show the principles of working with the human body, help to manage communication with person’s own soul (the sensory part of the brain) and help to ascertain how the state of the person’s body changes when a person is making a choice which is suitable for that specific person in that particular situation! To put simply in words, when a person himself wants consciously to become healthy – I help to activate the internal human resources for self-healing!

Why Soul Therapy methodology is dedicated for the treatment of body aches and ailments?

The soul is a sensory part of the brain, it “speaks” with a person through his body. Everyone knows the phrases: “Easy for the Soul”, “Soul spreads its Wings”,”Stone from the heart swept away”. It is a state in which a person physically feels lightness in his body, an influx of forces, a smile on a face, a person even straighten his spine and become higher! Unfortunately, the souls of many people are more or less traumatized. Only a person can heal his soul, i.e. without his goodwill it’s practically impossible! Pain and ailments in the body are not a voice of the body, but a more desperate cry of the body to help and it’s an invitation for the body owner to act and initiate changes in his own life. However, if a person is not used to assess pain in the body as a phenomenon, he can not pay attention to body signals. In the beginning, the person needs help to restore a contact with himself, with his own body. When a person succeeds, everything else goes easy!


Do you experience body ailments or diseases and do not know their causes?
Fill out the form and find out within a week the preliminary psychosomatic causes of your body ailments, and what to do to become healthy!
(the service is provided free of charge)

Roman Goldrin Diagnosis of physical ailments in 1 visit Viva persona

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    Do you want to get rid of the long-lasting distressing pain in your body? Find out the psychosomatic causes of your ailments; try a methodology that can help your body become completely healthy!
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    Does your body show certain signs of health ailments (disorders)? You need to make a responsible decision in life, but don’t know which decision is right? Are you afraid of the unknown? Are you afraid to live boldly and breathe full chest? Learn to serve your Soul and become healthy, happy and alive!
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    Do you feel tired, unhappy, depressed, without energy? Learn to breathe with your heart and restore your energy, raise your emotional state!  
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    Are you looking for an inner peace-activating, deep lecture, suitable for a team or client event, conference or private party? Book a happiness therapy experience!
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