Are you lack of profitable, competitive and brave business solutions? In a VIP group learn to manage your thinking better and to act more courageously!
Do you intend on staying healthy, happy, being of sound mind, in the right place at the right time? Join an online practice “I Serve My Soul” with the psychosomatics specialist, Soul therapist Roman Goldrin!
Looking for a medium where you can engage intellectually with other smart and active people? Visit the lodge "Big brains", learn a lot of new things, satisfy your hunger for intellectual communication!
Are you pursuing an ambitious goal, but you feel that you lack the strength to realize it and there are too many obstacles that rob you of your energy? Discover the hidden resources of your power and increase the speed of your movement towards the realization of the intended goal by at least 50%!
Do you lose time and money and do not get the desired result by "blindly" choosing people who do not have the right character traits or the necessary skills for a specific job, or maybe you just choose lazy people without knowing it? Learn to see a person's professional abilities, suitability of character for a specific job, understand real competences and choose hardworking, predictable, loyal employees and managers and get the desired results!
In order for profits to grow, does your business lack a competitive edge? Learn how to develop innovative, patentable, profitable, competitive and creative products, services and bring them to market effectively!
Does your body show certain signs of health ailments (disorders)? You need to make a responsible decision in life, but don’t know which decision is right? Are you afraid of the unknown? Are you afraid to live boldly and breathe full chest? Learn to serve your Soul and become healthy, happy and alive!